Machine Settings
ACTIVITY REPORT Sets whether to automatically print the fax transaction report
and selects its type.
2 LIST PRINT Prints reports/lists.
TX RESULT REPORT Prints the fax transmission report manually.
RX RESULT REPORT Prints the fax reception report manually.
ACTIVITY REPORT Prints the fax transaction report manually.
MEMORY DATA LIST Prints the list of the reserved jobs in memory.
MEMORY IMAGE PRNT Prints the information and image of the first page of the
reserved job.
1-TOUCH LIST Prints the list of fax/telephone numbers and names
registered for one-touch speed dialing.
CODED DIAL LIST Prints the list of fax/telephone numbers and names
registered for coded dialing.
GROUP DIAL LIST Prints the list of groups registered for group dialing.
USER’S DATA LIST Prints the setting list registered in the menu. (See “Printing
User’s Data List,” on p. 12-1.)