Casio CE-2400O Calculator User Manual

More Setups and Operations
Programming tax printing and other features
The following procedure lets you program a number of general features and functions.
1 Tax status for
- key
This specification defines where the result of - key operations should be reflected (subtracted from) for tax purposes.
Taxable Amount 1 2
Taxable Amount 2 2 ¤
Taxable Amount 1 and 2 2
Do not reflect 2
2 Input the total of a + b.
a. Do you want to print the taxable amount on the receipt/journal?
(Print = 0/Skip = 2)----> a.________
b. Do you want to allow negative results produced by
- key operations?
(Allow = 4/Do not allow = 0)----> b.________
3 Input the total of c + d + e.
c. Do you want to use the
key as a [00] key or a [000] key?
([00] key = 0/[000] key = 1)----> c.________
d. Do you want to display "seconds" during time display?
(Display "Hour, Minute" = 0/"Hour, Minute, Second" = 2)----> d.________
e. Do you want to feed one line before printing finalization details on the receipt/journal?
(Feed = 0/No feed = 4)----> e.________
4 Input the total of f + g + h.
f. Do you want to require input of the cash in drawer amount before allowing printing of the daily READ/RESET
report? (Money declaration) (Required = 1/Not required = 0)----> f.________
g. Do you want the consecutive number reset to 0001 whenever a daily RESET report is issued?
(Reset = 0/Do not reset = 2)----> g.________
h. Do you want to prohibit the cancel operation?
(Prohibit = 4/Allow = 0)----> h.________
Use all four digits
Mode Switch