Casio FC200V Calculator User Manual

Example 3: To calculate a bond purchase price (PRC)
based on a specific number of payments
1. In step 1 of the basic procedure (Example 1), select
2(Term) for “Bond Date”.
This replaces input items d1 and d2 with input item
2. Input 3 for item
Example 4: To calculate the annual yield (YLD) based on
a specific number of payments (Term)
1. In step 1 of the basic procedure (Example 1), select
2(Term) for “Bond Date”.
This replaces input items d1 and d2 with input item
2. Use fc to select 4
n”, input 3, and then press
3. Input –97.61645734 for PRC, without inputting anything
for YLD.
4. In step 2, select “YLD”.
A BOND Mode Financial Calculation
Variables (VARS)
The values of the following BOND Mode variables are
retained even if you change to another mode:
n, d1, d2.
Note, however, that
n, d1, and d2 are also used by other
modes, so performing an input or calculation operation
may change the values assigned to them.
n is a financial calculation variable, its contents
can also be recalled in the COMP Mode.
The following variables are used in the BOND Mode. Their
values are not retained if you change to another mode: