Casio fx-350ES Calculator User Manual

Using Calculator Memory
Memory Name Description
Answer Memory Stores the last calculation result obtained.
Calculation results can be added to or subtracted
from independent memory. The “M” display
indicator indicates data in independent memory.
Six variables named A, B, C, D, X, and Y can
be used for storage of individual values.
This section uses the COMP Mode (N1) to demonstrate how
you can use memory.
k Answer Memory (Ans)
Answer Memory Overview
•Answer Memory contents are updated whenever you execute a
calculation using any one of the following keys: =, 1=, m,
1m(M–), t,1t(STO). Answer Memory can hold up to
15 digits.
•Answer Memory contents are not change if an error occurs during
the current calculation.
•Answer Memory contents are maintained even if you press the
A key, change the calculation mode, or turn off the calculator.
Using Answer Memory to Perform a Series of
Example: To divide the result of 3 × 4 by 30
Pressing / automatically inputs
“Ans” command.
•With the above procedure, you need to perform the second
calculation immediately after the first one. If you need to recall
Answer Memory contents after pressing A, press the G key.