Single-variable Menu Item
Select this
When you want to do this:
menu item:
Display the Distr sub-menu of commands for
normal distribution calculations
•For more information, see “Distr Sub-menu”.
Paired-variable Menu Item
Select this
When you want to do this:
menu item:
Display the Reg sub-menu of commands for
regression calculations
•For details see “Commands when Linear
Regression Calculation (A+BX) Is Selected” and
“Commands when Quadratic Regression
Calculation (_+CX
) Is Selected”.
Single-variable (1-VAR) Statistical Calculation
The following are the commands that appear on the sub-menus that
appear when you select 4(Sum), 5(Var), 6(MinMax), or
7(Distr) on the STAT menu while a single-variable statistical
calculation type is selected.
See Appendix <#052> for information about the calculation
formula used for each command.
Sum Sub-menu (11(STAT)4(Sum))
Select this
When you want to obtain this:
menu item:
Sum of squares of the sample data
2Σx Sum of the sample data
Var Sub-menu (11(STAT)5(Var))
Select this
When you want to obtain this:
menu item:
1n Number of samples
2o Mean of the sample data
3xσn Population standard deviation
4xσn–1 Sample standard deviation
MinMax Sub-menu (11(STAT)6(MinMax))
Select this
When you want to obtain this:
menu item:
1minX Minimum value
2maxX Maximum value