Useful features
Various programming
To set a unit price in a department key
You can preset unit prices in department keys so that you don’t have
to input a unit price before registering it in a department.
The following example is for presetting $2.00 in Dept. 1, $5.50 in
Dept. 2, and $15.00 in Dept. 3.
Sample Operation
Unit Price $2.00 $5.50 $15.00
Dept. 1 2 3
Step Operation
1 Press Zk keys. The register is ready to
set unit prices in departments.
2 Input the unit price then press corresponding
Dept. key. $2.00 has been preset in Dept. 1.
3 You don’t have to input the decimal point key.
$5.50 has been preset in Dept. 2
4 $15.00 has been preset in Dept. 3 by the
operation on the right.
5 Press k to complete the settings.
Further operations:
• “To register items with preset unit price set in a department” on page E-53.
Mode Switch
Useful features