Cisco Systems ASA 5505 Network Router User Manual

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Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 63 Configuring the ASA CX Module
Configuring the ASA CX Module
asacx> setup
Welcome to Cisco Prime Security Manager Setup
[hit Ctrl-C to abort]
Default values are inside [ ]
You are prompted through the setup wizard. The following example shows a typical path through the
wizard; if you enter Y instead of N at a prompt, you will be able to configure some additional settings.
This example shows how to configure both IPv4 and IPv6 static addresses. You can configure IPv6
stateless auto configuration by answering N when asked if you want to configure a static IPv6 address.
Enter a hostname [asacx]: asa-cx-host
Do you want to configure IPv4 address on management interface?(y/n) [Y]: Y
Do you want to enable DHCP for IPv4 address assignment on management interface?(y/n)[N]: N
Enter an IPv4 address []:
Enter the netmask []:
Enter the gateway []:
Do you want to configure static IPv6 address on management interface?(y/n) [N]: Y
Enter an IPv6 address: 2001:DB8:0:CD30::1234/64
Enter the gateway: 2001:DB8:0:CD30::1
Enter the primary DNS server IP address [ ]:
Do you want to configure Secondary DNS Server? (y/n) [N]: N
Do you want to configure Local Domain Name? (y/n) [N] Y
Enter the local domain name:
Do you want to configure Search domains? (y/n) [N] Y
Enter the comma separated list for search domains:
Do you want to enable the NTP service?(y/n) [N]: Y
Enter the NTP servers separated by commas:,
Step 3 After you complete the final prompt, you are presented with a summary of the settings. Look over the
summary to verify that the values are correct, and enter Y to apply your changed configuration. Enter N
to cancel your changes.
Apply the changes?(y,n) [Y]: Y
Configuration saved successfully!
Generating self-signed certificate, the web server will be restarted after that
Press ENTER to continue...
Note If you change the host name, the prompt does not show the new name until you log out and log
back in.
Step 4 If you do not use NTP, configure the time settings. The default time zone is the UTC time zone. Use the
show time command to see the current settings. You can use the following commands to change time
asacx> config timezone
asacx> config time
Step 5 Change the admin password by entering the following command:
asacx> config passwd