Cisco Systems ASA 5505 Network Router User Manual

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Cisco ASA 5500 Series Configuration Guide using ASDM
Chapter 69 General VPN Setup
Mapping Certificates to IPsec or SSL VPN Connection Profiles
Enable notification prior to expiration—When you check this option, the ASA notifies the
remote user at login that the current password is about to expire or has expired, then offers the
user the opportunity to change the password. If the current password has not yet expired, the
user can still log in using that password. This parameter is valid for AAA servers that support
such notification; that is, RADIUS, RADIUS with an NT server, and LDAP servers. The ASA
ignores this command if RADIUS or LDAP authentication has not been configured.
Note that this does not change the number of days before the password expires, but rather, it
enables the notification. If you check this check box, you must also specify the number of days.
Notify...days prior to expiration—Specifies the number of days before the current password
expires to notify the user of the pending expiration. The range is 1 through 180 days.
The following table shows the modes in which this feature is available:
Configuring Internal Group Policy IPsec Client Attributes
Use this dialog box to specify whether to strip the realm and group from the username before passing
them to the AAA server, and to specify password management options.
Strip the realm from username before passing it on to the AAA server—Enables or disables stripping
the realm (administrative domain) from the username before passing the username on to the AAA
server. Check the Strip Realm check box to remove the realm qualifier of the username during
authentication. You can append the realm name to the username for AAA: authorization,
authentication and accounting. The only valid delimiter for a realm is the @ character. The format
is username@realm, for example, If you check this Strip Realm check box,
authentication is based on the username alone. Otherwise, authentication is based on the full
username@realm string. You must check this box if your server is unable to parse delimiters.
Note You can append both the realm and the group to a username, in which case the ASA uses
parameters configured for the group and for the realm for AAA functions. The format for this
option is username[@realm]]<#or!>group], for example,
If you choose this option, you must use either the # or ! character for the group delimiter because
the ASA cannot interpret the @ as a group delimiter if it is also present as the realm delimiter.
A Kerberos realm is a special case. The convention in naming a Kerberos realm is to capitalize
the DNS domain name associated with the hosts in the Kerberos realm. For example, if users are
in the domain, you might call your Kerberos realm IT.CISCO.COM.
The ASA does not include support for the user@grouppolicy, as the VPN 3000 Concentrator did.
Only the L2TP/IPsec client supports the tunnel switching via user@tunnelgroup.
Firewall Mode Security Context
Routed Transparent Single
Context System