Citizen CMP-10 Printer User Manual

This bar code, consisting of numerals only, has a fixed length of 8 columns; a 7-
column number entered from the host or application software plus a check digit (8th
column) automatically calculated inside the printer. If the 8th-column numeral is
sent from the host, the entire bar code will be printed as it is.
This bar code, consisting of upper-case alphabetic characters and numerals, has a
variable length of columns. The start/stop code * is automatically added by the
printer. The available characters include space and $ % + / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and
upper-case alphabetic characters.
A check digit is added and printed automatically.
This bar code, consisting of only numerals, has a variable length of even-number
columns. If a code of odd-number columns is sent, the bar code will not be printed.
This bar code, consisting of alphanumerics, has a variable length of columns.
Available characters include 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D $ + ./ :. A start/stop code
is required; any one of A, B, C, and D is used.
This bar code, consisting of alphanumeric and control characters, has a variable length
of columns. The HRI character string is preceded and followed by a n character.
HRI characters for control characters (00H - 1FH, and 7FH) are each printed as a
combination of a n character and an alphabetic character.
This bar code consists of 103 bar code characters and three code sets, enabling 128
ASCII code characters to be printed. It has a variable length of columns.
Code set A ASCII characters 00H - 5FH can be represented.
Code set B ASCII characters 20H - 7FH can be represented.
Code set C Two-digit numbers 00 - 99 can each be represented by one character.
In addition to the above characters, special characters are available:
Shift character (SHIFT)
When used in code set A, one character next to a Shift character is treated as a
character of code set B. When used in code set B, one character next to a Shift
character is treated as a character of code set A. The Shift character cannot be
used in code set C.
Code set select characters (CODE A, CODE B, CODE C):
The code set following a code set select character is switched to code set A, B, or C.
Function characters (FNC1, FNC2, FNC3, FNC4):
How the function characters are used depends on each application. In code set C,
only FNC1 is available.