Citizen iDP-3210 Printer User Manual

iDP-3210 Users Manual
6.2.5 Error Detection
Parity, framing, and overrun are detected. On detection of any error, the data are stored
in the buffer as "?".
(1) Framing Error
With "space" state having been detected on detection of a stop bit, error takes place.
The data are stored in the buffer as "?".
(2) Parity Error
With an error having been detected under specifying parity check, the data is stored in the buffer as "?".
(3) Overrun Error
On detection of an overrun error, the data are stored in the buffer as "?".
6.2.6 Data Receiving Control
When DTR/DSR control having been selected, with BUSY signal at "LOW", data from the host side are
received. With the signal at "HIGH", they can not be received.
When DTR/DSR control not having been selected, after X-ON transmission, data is received from the host
side. No transmission of data can take place after X-OFF is transmitted.
6.2.7 Buffering
Data transfer to the input buffer include DTR signals and TD signals as the control signals concerned.
(1) DTR signals (See 4.2.3 (2).)
(2) TD signals (See 4.2.3 (3).)
idp-3210 User's Manual