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Feature Parameters
Bluetooth interface Transfer method: Bluetooth 1.2 compliant
(CMP-10BT only) Frequency: 2.4 GHz
Modulation method: FH method (Frequency
hopping spectrum diffusion method)
Hypothetical interference distance: 10 m
Transfer rate: 723.2k/57.6k bps (Transfer rate
between Bluetooth module only)
The communication speed between Bluetooth and
the printer is 115.2kbps.
Transfer capacity: Up to +4 dBm (Class 2 & Class 3)
Coding: 128 bit
Security level: Link
Standard PIN specification: Prepared (16 digits)
PIN code: Lower 4 digits of the BD address
Profile: Serial Port Profile
Serial interface Speed: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600,
115200 bps
Interface: Bidirectional serial communication
Signal level: RS-232C
Data lenght: 8 bits
Start bit: 1 bit
Stop bit: 1 bit
Parity: None
Flow control: Xon/Xoff
Connector: Motorola Star Tac
Input buffer 64 KB
Mag stripe reader Track 1, 2, 3
LED color Power LED: GREEN and RED
Charge LED: GREEN and RED
Operation switches Power switch 1, LF switch 1
Sensors and error monitoring Paper end sensor, Open cover sensor,
Head temperature, Low battery
Power consumption Idle - approximately 2W
When printing - approximately 15W
Battery Battery type: Li-ion battery pack
Cell Voltage: 3.7 V
Number of cells: 2
Battery pack voltage: 7.4 V
Battery pack capacity: 2000 mAh
Battery charging time Approximately 3 hours by main unit + AC adapter
Maximum lines printed with 30,000 lines
fully charged battery (At temperature 20°C, standard setting,
alphanumeric slide pattern printing. The number of
lines may be changed by such condition as
temperature, etc.)