For example, if an acmsdi_call_task completion message is sent from the back
end, this is a pointer to the context supplied on the acmsdi_call_task call.
This pointer to a structure in the client application’s memory is treated as
a 32-bit integer. To determine the structure being referenced, the client
application compares this value with the values returned by the acmsdi_
return_pointer service. Because data can be moved by memory management,
acmsdi_return_pointer calls must be issued within the same procedure as the
original call.
Return Status
The status values returned by the acmsdi_poll service are listed in Table 4–13.
Table 4–13 acmsdi_poll Return Status Values
Status Description
ACMSDI_CANCEL_DONE Task cancel call complete.
ACMSDI_DONE Sign-in, sign-out, or task call complete.
ACMSDI_ENABLE_EXCH Enable exchange step has arrived.
ACMSDI_EXCHACTV Request is invalid while exchange step
processing is active.
ACMSDI_EXEC No message from the back-end
available; call still executing.
ACMSDI_INSUFPRM Insufficient or conflicting parameters.
ACMSDI_INVSUBID Invalid or obsolete submitter
ACMSDI_INTERNAL Internal TP Desktop Connector error.
ACMSDI_MIXEDMODE Not a forced nonblocking session call.
ACMSDI_NOMEMORY Insufficient memory.
ACMSDI_READY No message from the back-end
available; no call executing.
ACMSDI_RECV_EXCH Receive exchange step has arrived.
ACMSDI_REQUEST_EXCH TDMS Request exchange step has
ACMSDI_SEND_EXCH Send exchange step has arrived.
(continued on next page)
Forced Nonblocking Client Services 4–31