Table A–1 (Cont.) ACMS System Status Values
Symbol Value Text
ACMSDI_PENDING –3016 Operation started
ACMSDI_SECCHK –3017 ACMS task ACL failure
ACMSDI_SIGNINACTV –3018 Sign-in in process
ACMSDI_SIGNOUTACTV –3019 Sign-out in process
ACMSDI_SRVDEAD –3020 TP Desktop Connector server
has died
ACMSDI_TASK_ABORT –3021 Task has aborted
ACMSDI_TASK_CANCELLED –3022 Task canceled by operator
ACMSDI_TASK_SP_DIED –3023 Task procedure server process
has died
ACMSDI_TASK_FAILED –3024 Task failed to complete normally
ACMSDI_INVPROTOCOL –3025 Protocol versions of the DDEV
and the TP Desktop Connector
server do not match
ACMSDI_BADNODENAME –3026 Invalid node name
ACMSDI_PWDEXPIRED –3027 Password has expired
ACMSDI_CANCELACTV –3028 Client-initiated cancel in
ACMSD_EXCHACTV –3029 User-written presentation
procedure not completed
MESSAGE call in process
ACMSDI_UNSUPPORTED –3031 Unsupported option requested
on acmsdi_sign_in or acmsdi_
ACMSDI_PWDEXPIRING –3100 Number of hours returned until
password expires
ACMSDI_CALL_CANCELED –3101 The task was canceled by the
task submitter
A–2 Compaq ACMS System Status Values