OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001
Compaq FTAM (continued)
Guardian file system 1-7
considerations for remote
applications 6-1
interfaces 1-4
See Responder, Compaq FTAM
services provided 1-2
standards supported viii
troubleshooting 5-2
underlying subsystems 1-4
Compaq Nonstop Kernel 1-2
See also Guardian
Concurrency control parameter 4-22
Configuration considerations 6-1
Confirm primatives 1-3
definition of 2-1
ISO standards 2-1
Contents type inconsistent (message
5036) A-24
Contents type list cut ... (message
2018) A-9
Contents types
associated file structures, table of 4-7
associated Guardian file structures A-24
Contents-type attribute 4-12
Contents-type list parameter 4-21
Contents-type parameters 2-4
Contents-type-list parameter 4-22
Controllers, hardware to support OSI
layers 1-5
Controlling Compaq FTAM
See Management
Create mappings 4-5
Create override deleted and created ...
(message 3022) A-14
Create-password parameter 4-22
Creating files, access control 4-17
Creation-attribute 4-16
calculating decoded data size 4-10
calculating encoded data size 4-11
corrupted (message 5030) A-23
flow to and from responder 3-2
presentation encoding 2-6
Data-and-time attributes 4-16
Data-transfer considerations 2-4
Decoded data, calculating size 4-10
Default user attribute
See DEFUSER attribute
Define-context parameter 4-22
DEFUSER attribute 4-19, 4-20
Diagnostic messages, responder
association (2002-2021) A-8
designing remote applications 5-1
file-access (500-5040) A-18
file-management (4001-4006) A-16
general FTAM (1-11) A-2
observer and source values A-2
protocol and service (1001-1017) A-5
recovery (6010) A-25
selection (3000-3030) A-11
types of A-1
Diagnostic parameter 4-22
DIRLIS filename attribute value 4-14
Distributed Systems Management (DSM)
components 1-4
troubleshooting tools 5-2
Document types
access context, table of A-22
associated parameters, table of 4-4
interoperability 2-3
supported by Compaq FTAM 1-2