C/C++ Libraries
5.2 Programming Guide
5.2.1 Naming Convention
The functions of the PCIDAQ PCI cards' software driver use full-names to
represent a function's real meaning. The naming convention rules are:
In DOS Environment:
_{hardware_model}_{action_name}. e.g.
All functions in the PCIDIO 48H driver are used by the board as
{hardware_model}. But they can be used by PCIDIO 48H and PCIDIO 24H.
In order to recognize the difference between the DOS library and Windows 95
library, a capital "
" is put on the head of each function name of the
Windows 95 DLL driver. e.g.
5.2.2 Data Types
We defined some data type in DIO48H.h (DOS) and Acl_pci.h (Windows
95). These data types are used by the PCIDAQ Card library. We suggest you
to use these data types in your application programs. The following table
shows the data type names and their range.
Type Name Description Range
U8 8-bit ASCII character 0 to 255
I16 16-bit signed integer -32768 to 32767
U16 16-bit unsigned integer 0 to 65535
I32 32-bit signed integer -2147483648 to 2147483647
U32 32-bit single-precision
0 to 4294967295
F32 32-bit single-precision
-3.402823E38 to 3.402823E38
F64 64-bit double-precision
-1.797683134862315E308 to
Boolean Boolean logic value TRUE, FALSE