
12 ST/SV-3210 and ST/SV-3306
3.2.2 SV Models
Œ Plug in and turn ‘On’ the printer.
Place fanfold ticket stock in the bottom of the enclosure, bring the
stock up to the Media Guides. (The TOF Mark should be facing
away from the Printhead Latch; see Section 4.) Ensure that the
Printhead Latch is locked.
Ž Loosen the Thumbscrew and adjust the Media Guides to fit the width
of the ticket stock as described in Step 5 of Section 3.2.1.
Slide the ticket stock through the Media Guides. The motor will
start; continue feeding the tickets. The printer will grab the leading
edge of the stock and complete the positioning process. If this
process fails, see the note below.
þ Notes: If automatic loading fails to occur, see the note at the end of
Section 3.2.1.
If the ticket did not feed to a proper position, the TOF Sensor
may need adjustment; see Section 4 for details.