ST/SV-3210 and ST/SV-3306 61
Appendix C
Cable Listings
Parallel Cable: Connect a Centronics
type 36-pin cable.
Serial Cable: Connect a cable that complies with one of the
configurations listed in the table below (the serial interface cable must
have specific connections [pin-outs] for proper data exchange). The
cable part numbers and suggested applications are included (contact a
reseller for ordering information).
Serial Interface Cable Listing
RS-232 Null Modem (MXM) RS-232 “PC” (DB9P) to Printer
Part Number 556000 Part Number 556001
For connections to other DCE equipment.
Flow control: XON/XOFF only.
For connection to a PC compatible with a
DB9P communication port. Flow control:
RS-232 “PC” (DB25P) to Printer RS-422 Connection
Part Number 556002 Part Number N/A
For connection to a PC compatible with a
DB25 communication port. Flow control:
The diagram above is provided only as a
schematic reference.