AXIS 5400+/AXIS 5600+ User’s Guide
2.2.2 Alternative method for setting the IP address manually: ARP/Ping
Refer to the appropriate section below to assign an IP address to your AXIS 5400+/AXIS 5600+
using ARP/Ping:
1. Open a Command Prompt and enter the following commands:
2. The host will return
reply from, or a similar message. This indicates that
the address has been set and that communication is established.
3. Next, log in to the print server’s web pages ( - See page 12) and define the Default Router and
Subnet Mask of your network: choose Admin | Network Settings | Detailed View | TCP/IP.
DHCP, Auto-IP, BOOTP and RARP (...Enabled) must first be set to No!
UNIX/Linux, Mac OS X
1. Open a Terminal window and enter the following commands:
2. The host will return is alive, or a similar message. This indicates that
the address has been set and that communication is established.
3. Next, log in to the print server’s web pages ( - See page 12) and define the Default Router and
Subnet Mask of your network: choose Admin | Network Settings | Detailed View | TCP/IP.
DHCP, Auto-IP, BOOTP and RARP (...Enabled) must first be set to No!
Syntax Example
arp -s <IP address> <Ethernet address> arp -s 00-40-8c-18-1c-f0
ping <IP address> ping
Syntax Example
arp -s <IP address> <Ethernet address> temp arp -s 00:40:8c:18:1c:f0 temp
ping <IP address> ping
• The Ethernet Address/MAC address is the same as the serial number, found on the print server’s underside label.
Enter the Ethernet Address in the same format as in the examples above.
• Setting the IP address with arp and ping is only possible during the first ten minutes after re-booting the
print server. Re-boot the print server by disconnecting and then re-connecting its power supply.
• When you execute the ping command for the first time, you may experience a significantly longer response
time than usual.
• You need root privileges on your UNIX/Linux and Mac system in order to execute the arp command (refer to
the User’s Manual for more information).
• Use the command man arp to get a list of arp commands in UNIX/Linux.