Upgrading Your Dell PowerVault Fibre Channel Software and Firmware 9-11
Updating the Dell PowerVault 650F/651F/630F Drive
Firmware on NetWare
Use the Dell OpenManage Command Line Interface (CLI) to update the hard-disk
drive firmware in your Dell PowerVault 650F, 651F, or 630F systems when running
Novell NetWare on the server.
load sys:\[OpenManage Directory]\omcli -d <device name>
firmware <volume:\path\filename> -r -d <e_d> <e_d> ...
where <volume:\path\filename> specifies the full pathname of the new firm-
ware image on the server and where the variables are as follows:
• -d <device name> — The name of the device being managed by the Dell
OpenManage Data Managed Node for NetWare. <device name> is case
• -d disks — Downloads the hard-disk drive vendor firmware to the specified
disks; disks specifies the physical hard-disk drives for the firmware download in
any order. For a storage system with Fibre Channel hard-disk drives, disks has
the format of <e_d>, where e is the enclosure number in hexidecimal and d is
the disk number in the enclosure.
• -r — Specifies that the storage system will perform a hard reboot after the firm-
ware is downloaded. The default is no reboot.
NOTICES: You must enter the full pathname of the firmware file or the
command might not be completed successfully.
Observe the following conditions when downloading hard-disk drive firm-
ware on PowerVault 650F and 651F storage systems:
• Disable the read cache and write cache.
• Pause all host-generated I/O requests to the storage system.
• If RAID 3 memory is assigned, it must be set to 2 megabytes (MB). If you
set the RAID 3 memory to 0 MB, all RAID 3 LUNs will go to the ready
The following is an example of a CLI command to update drive firmware:
load sys:\dell\om\omcli -d V596-A2-D0:0 firmware
sys:\system\sw36de22.fdf -r -d 0_0 0_1 0_2 ...
Updating Dell PowerVault 650F and 651F
Licensed Internal Code
The licensed internal code (LIC) (sometimes referred to as Flare) update may also
include a programmable read-only memory (PROM) update for the storage proces-
sors. When you install the LIC update, the storage processor tries to copy the LIC to
reserved areas outside operating system control on several disk modules called