he JEOL JSM-6060LV in standard high vacuum operating mode can handle a variety
of sample types. The low vacuum mode enables the instrument to handle non-
conductive samples, including organic materials (polymers, etc.), ceramics and glasses,
and biological samples.
Sample Holders
Please use clean, powder-free gloves when handling the sample holders and loading your samples
into the instrument.
Two different sample holders are available. The smaller sample holder is designed to take 10 mm
diameter x 10 mm tall cylindrical sample mounts or other small specimens that fit into the same
volume. We have a large number of aluminum cylindrical sample mounts for use with the smaller
sample holder. The larger sample holder is approximately 32 mm in diameter x 10 mm tall, and is
designed for creative attachment of larger specimens. It’s best if you can fit your samples onto
one of the standard sample holders, but if not, other arrangements may be made (talk to
Professor Stolk).
Other types of sample holders are available. See Professor Stolk for information on ordering
sample holders.
Sample Preparation – Conductive Materials
1. Small samples that fit securely onto one of the standard sample holders are best. Use a
precision saw to section larger materials to an appropriate size, if possible.
2. Remove excess lint, dust, moisture, and other debris from your specimen, unless you want to
examine those things.
3. Use conductive carbon tape, carbon tabs, carbon paint, or copper tape to attach your sample
to a sample holder or cylindrical sample mount. If you use carbon paint, please wait for the
paint to dry (or use a heat gun or hair dryer) before you load the sample into the instrument.
4. A sample height approximately even with the top surface of the sample holder is
recommended. With tall samples, you risk contacting one of the detectors or other sensitive
interior components and causing major problems (and repair bills!).
Sample Preparation – Non-conductive Materials
1. Small samples that fit securely onto one of the standard sample holders are best. Use a
precision saw to section larger materials to an appropriate size, if possible.