Line Commands 1409
history size
Use the history size command in Line Configuration mode to change the
command history buffer size for a particular line. To reset the command
history buffer size to the default setting, use the no form of this command.
history size
no history size
Parameter Description
Default Configuration
The default command history buffer size is 10.
Command Mode
Line Configuration mode
User Guidelines
This command has no user guidelines.
The following example configures the command history buffer size to 20
commands for the current terminal session.
console(config-line)#history size 20
Use the line command in Global Configuration mode to identify a specific
line for configuration and enter the line configuration command mode.
Parameter Description
Specifies the number of commands the system may record in its
command history buffer. (Range: 0-216) Page 1409 Monday, October 3, 2011 11:05 AM