Digital Media 900TL Switch User Manual

Problem Solving (continued)
If ... Then ... Do This ...
DEChub 900 MultiSwitch ONLY
Lobe, Ring In, Ring Out, Network management has To change settings, you can use
Ring A/B LEDs flash together. disabled MAU. network management commands
or the MAU’s Reset switch.
MAU does not connect to Network management will not Check speed and hub
hub. connect MAU to hub. settings for incorrect network
management overrides.
MAU does not work DEChub 90 only supports A DEChub 900 MultiSwitch
in DEChub 90. Ethernet networks. supports Token Ring networks.
Ring In or Ring Out LED Network management To change setting, you can use
indicates a continuous disconnected the MAU’s network management commands
single flash pattern. RI or RO port. or the MAU’s Reset switch.
Ring In or Ring Out LED MAU and ring have different Change the speed setting of the
indicates a continuous speed settings. stations or the ring.
double flash pattern.
Lobe, Ring In and Ring Out Network management has To change settings, you can use
LEDs flash together. disabled MAU. network management commands
or the MAU’s Reset switch.
Vendor’s MAU or repeater Vendor’s unit is incompatible Set Autowrap switches on the
causes loopback on ring. with Digital’s Autowrap. DECmau or DECrepeater adjacent
to the vendor’s unit to 0.
Network crashes when a MAU Vendor’s unit does not have Set Autowrap switches on the
or repeater fails. Digital’s Autowrap. DECmau or DECrepeater adjacent
to the failed unit to 1.
14 DECmau 900TL