D-Link RangeBooster N 650 Access Point Modem User Manual

33D-Link DAP-1353 User Manual
Section 3 - Configuration
Click on the link in this screen
to nd out if there is an updated
rmware; if so, download the new
rmware to your hard drive.
After you have downloaded the
new firmware, click Browse in
this window to locate the rmware
update on your hard drive. Click
Save Settings to complete the
rmware upgrade.
You can upgrade the rmware of the access point here. Make sure the rmware you want to use is on the local hard drive
of the computer. Click on Browse to locate the rmware le to be used for the update. Please check the D-Link support
website for rmware updates at http://support.dlink.com. You can download rmware upgrades to your hard drive from the
this site.