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Manual Part Number 900-00027-001
Figure 1.2.5 TransEagle
Network Properties
Type the IP address on the Eagle Printer into Printer 1. This value can be
found by pressing Ctrl-W on the handheld terminal (see figure 1.2.1). Type the
IP addresses of any additional printers (up to 5) you will be networking to into
Printer 2-5.
Before clicking OK, check that your network cable is plugged into both the
Eagle and the PC and that the Eagle is powered on and has the right IP
address. Click OK. Upon clicking OK, TransEagle
will attempt to connect to
the Eagle(s). You will know in a few seconds if the attempt was successful as
the Network->Enabled radio button will become enabled.
If you still are seeing an hourglass after 10-15 seconds, you most likely have a
network problem. TransEagle
will take about a minute to finally time out and
give you an error indicating that the connection was not successful. If this
happens, go through the configurations of the Eagle and the PC one more time,
double-checking that all the IP addresses are typed in correctly, and that you
have the right type of network cable. For example, if you are connecting
directly from your PC to the Eagle, a common mistake is to use a straight cable
rather that a crossover cable. You can check this by unplugging the cable and
holding the two ends side-by-side to check the wiring. Make sure the ends of
the cable are both facing the same direction and you will be able to recognize a
straight cable by noticing that the colored wires are in the same order on both
ends. If not, then you most likely have a crossover cable. Usually, double-
checking all the configurations and the cable will solve the problem and you will
be able to connect successfully by following this procedure again.
Once you are connected, you will be able to send files directly from
ImageMaster to the Eagle. Simply leave TransEagle
running in the
background, launch ImageMaster and create and send messages at will.
If you close TransEagle
and launch it again at a later time, you will again be
asked if you would like to re-establish your network connections. If you
connected successfully in your last TransEagle
session and all connected
Eagles are powered on and ready, then you merely need to click YES at this
point to re-connect.