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Manual Part Number 900-00027-001 File Name
This drop-down allows you to select from a list of message files comprised of
the files that reside in the designated message directory for the currently
selected Eagle printer. The directory is called “Eaglex” and is under the
working directory of TransEagle
(where x is the printer number that you
currently have selected). For example, for printer 1 and a standard installation,
that directory is “c:\Leader Corporation\Eagle1”.
If you have “auto” checked in the Transfer Area, then the message will be sent
to the Eagle immediately when you select it from the drop-down. Otherwise,
the message you selected will not be sent until the “Transfer” button is clicked.
All transferred messages that have imbedded bitmap files will automatically
look in the “Graphics” directory under “Eaglex” and transfer those bitmaps to
the Eagle automatically. You will receive an error if any requested bitmaps are
not present in that directory. Print Now Checkbox
Check this to have any transferred message files immediately become the
active print file on the Eagle. If not checked, then files that are transferred are
merely saved to the disk for later recall. Temp Msg Checkbox
Check this to have files that are sent over for immediate printing not be saved
to the Eagle disk. The file will print, but could not be later recalled from the
Eagle handheld terminal. This is to conserve disk space if you are sending
many files over for printing. Navigation Buttons for Selecting Messages
These buttons offer some unique methods of recalling files for doing special
presentations, etc. The “|<<” and “|>>”buttons will select the first and last
message (alphabetically) in the message directory, respectively. The “<<Prev”
and “Next>>” buttons will step through the files in the directory in alphabetical
order, either forward or back ward, respectively. The Browse button allows you
to select messages from a standard “File Open” type of dialog.