User Manual
Publication date: July, 2006
Revision A2
Fig. 3-3 port detail information
In Fig. 3-3, it shows the basic information of the clicked port. With this, you’ll
see the information about the port status, traffic status and bandwidth rating for
egress and ingress respectively.
⎯ On the left-top corner, there is a pull-down list for Auto Logout. For the sake of
security, we provide auto-logout function to protect you from illegal user as you
are leaving. If you do not choose any selection in Auto Logout list, it means
you turn on the Auto Logout function and the system will be logged out
automatically when no action on the device 3 minutes later. If OFF is chosen,
the screen will keep as it is. Default is ON.
⎯ On the left side, the main menu tree for web is listed in the page. They are
hierarchical menu. Open the function folder, a sub-menu will be shown. The
functions of each folder are described in its corresponded section respectively.
When clicking it, the function is performed. The following list is the full function
tree for web user interface.