Section 13: Show Playback
Shows can be played back in two modes- “Sequence“ or “Mix“. Sequence mode allows for shows to
be played back one at a time. Both shows can be selected at one time. However, the show with the
flashing LED is the only active show running at the given time. Once that show has finished, the next
selected show will automatically begin to run and it’s LED will begin to flash until it finishes. This
sequence mode will automatically loop both shows continuously. Mix mode allows both shows to be
played back at any one time. This mode allows for the highest values to take effect over a given
channel. For example, if one show contains a value of 161 for channel 3 and the other show contains
a value of 223 for channel 3 then the show containing the value of 223 will take precedence because
it is a higher value. This mode works very well with moving lights.
13a. Sequencing show playback
Press show buttons 1 & 2. The active show LED will flash continuously and the LCD will display
the selected show number followed by the sequencing show steps- “S1-2:1-99“. (Note: in this mode
the shows will continue to loop from one to the other. Speed and Fade buttons do not have any effect
in show playback as speed and fade times were recorded in show record mode).
2. To disengage a show, press the show button you wish to turn off. The show button LED will turn
off confirming that it will no longer be included in the sequence.
13b. Mix show playback
Press and hold down either recorded show button 1 or 2, then press the other show button and
release both simultaneously. Both show LED’s will then flash continuously indicating that they are in
mix show playback mode.
2. To exit this mode, press either show button twice.
Section 14: Strobe Playback
Selecting the strobe button will activate the strobe scene and override any chase or show that was
1. Press the “STROBE“ button when effect is desired.
2. Press the “STROBE“ button again when you want the strobe effect switched OFF. (Any selected
chases or shows that were running prior to selecting the strobe function will resume playback).