8-2 Chapter 8
NOTE: In order to print using the NetBios protocol, the
user must logon to the server’s domain. Add the
“logon/D:domain” command before
and after net start in the
NPM.INF - The Emulex Print Manager’s information file. Do not modify
the contents of the NPM.INF file.
RPRINT.EXE - Implements the print processes running in background on the
OS/2 server for TCP/IP printing. When you send a print job, a print process
is created in the background which redirects the output of a print queue
associated with this printer to an Emulex printer server.
RPRINTNB.EXE - Implements the print processes running in background on
the OS/2 server for NetBios printing. When you send a print job, a print
process is created in the background which redirects the output of a print
queue associated with this printer to an Emulex printer server.
NPMINST.EXE - Allows the creation of printers using a command line
interface. This program must not be run while
NPM.EXE is running.
NPMINST allows the user to configure printers remotely without using an
OS/2 Program Manager window interface.
NOTE: Enter NPMINST/? for a list and explanation of
command options.
TELRCF.EXE - Remote Emulex printer server configuration program using