Exergen D-Series Scanner User Manual

51 Water Street, Watertown, MA 02172 USA
800-422-3006 • 617-923-9900 • Fax 617-923-9911
Microscanner E-Series
The porous material, cooled on both sides by evaporating water, reaches wet-bulb tempera-
ture throughout the material, thus maintaining wet-bulb temperature at the surface for
several seconds after the air flow stops. Since the water is opaque to infrared wavelengths,
in as thin a layer as .002 in. (.05 mm), and the D-Series is able to measure the temperature
with a time constant of 0.1 seconds, an accurate measurement of the wet-bulb temperature
is obtained. The same procedure is employed on a non-porous material to obtain an accu-
rate dry-bulb temperature.
With the appropriate psychrometric equations, the RH is immediately calculated. Each
D-Series is equipped with, as a standard accessory, an RH Kit, which includes a convenient
card with the wet and dry materials, simple RH and Dewpoint calculator, and handy tube
of water.
Maximum accuracy for RH measurement is obtained with the D-Series models measuring
0.1° resolution. Though the absolute accuracy of the D-Series is not 0.1°, the RH is most
sensitive to wet-bulb depression, i.e. the difference between dry-bulb and wet-bulb tempera-
ture. In its differential mode, the D-Series is accurate to 0.1°, which translates to an RH
accuracy of approximately 0.5% for the normal range of RH.
surface at wet-bulb temperature
in the field-of-view of detector
IR detector
D-Series nosepiece
D-Series Handheld IR Scanners
Microscanner E-Series and IR.1Probe for Electrical Inspection
These unique handheld instruments are used by professionals for
fast, accurate scanning of electrical equipment. The Microscanner
Super E with a 200:1 lens, color-coded display and optional
pointing laser is the fastest and most powerful pocket-sized
electrical IR scanner in the world. The IR.1Probe is a low cost
electrical IR scanner for use with standard digital multimeters.
Contact Exergen or your local distributor for more information.
Also Manufactured by Exergen Industrial Division
Distributed by:
IRt/c Infrared Thermocouples
Low-cost, high-quality sensors for non-contact temperature measurement and control. IRt/c sensors are used by more customers
worldwide for process control, factory automation and OEM applications than any other IR device in the world. The small, easy to
use IRt/c sensors require no power and connect directly to standard thermocouple devices available worldwide. Over 300 models
offered, covering temperature ranges from -50 to 5000F (-45 to 2760C) with up to 0.01C precision.
For more information and pricing, please request a free copy of
The IRt/c Book
catalog from your local distributor, or Exergen.
PN818103 REV.3