Fargo M30e CUPS Driver User Guide (Rev. 1.0.3)
Reviewing the File Listing
PPD File for the M30e Card Printer
Raster Filter for the M30e Card Printer
Test Print file
/usr/ share/fargo/M30e /RibbonCal.prn
Ribbon Sensor Calibration File
/usr/ share/fargo/M30e/CleanPrinter.prn
Clean Printer File
Printing a Sample Card
Entering the Print Only Command
Run the following command:
# lp –d [PrintQueueName] [filename]
Entering the Print with Mag Encoding Command
Run the following command:
# lp –d [PrintQueueName] –o “Magtrack1=%25MAGTEST1%3F
Magtrack2=%3B1234567890%3F Magtrack3=%3B1234567890%3F” [filename]