FS-8700-123 MetOne Particle Counter Serial Driver Manual Page 16 of 26
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4.12. Map Descriptor Example 8 – Dumping the Current Record
This example is almost identical to the previous one. The one difference is that a secondary Data Array has been specified. When
this is done, each time a response is received, in addition to the storage specified in the previous example, the driver dumps the
response byte for byte the secondary Array. It is important to avoid overlaps in the secondary arrays if this feature is used on
multiple Map Descriptors. We suggest that about 2-300 DA elements is made available for the dump and that the format of the
secondary Data Array is ‘BYTE’
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, DA_Byte_Name, Function, Node_Name Met1_Function, Length, Scan_Interval
Read Record, DA_DATA, 0, DA_DUMP, Rdbc, MET1, Current Record, 20, 1.0s
A secondary Data Array is specified with the
‘DA_Byte_Name’ parameter. When this is done
the driver stores the read current record
response, byte for byte, in the secondary DA.
The length specified the amount of
Data Array space reserved for
primary storage and has no effect on
the dump. Ensure that dumps don’t
overlap each other.