Using the Six Independent Memories
This checkbook calculator has six individual storage memories. The
balances stored in the six permanent memories are saved even when the
calculator is turned off.
Accessing the Independent Memories
Accessing the Independent MemoriesAccessing the Independent Memories
Accessing the Independent Memories
First, locate the bank of nine round grey keys on your device. You will
notice that they are arranged in three vertical columns, with three keys in
each column.
Each vertical column enables you to access two accounts.
The vertical column of grey keys found on the left side of this bank of
keys enables you to access
Checking Account 1
Account 2
The middle vertical column of grey keys enables you to access
Savings Account 1
Savings Account 2
The vertical column of grey keys on the right side of this bank of keys
enables you access
Credit Card Account 1
Credit Card Account
To access
Checking Account 1
Savings Account 1
Credit Card
Account 1
, simply press the keys in their respective columns.
To access
Checking Account 2
Savings Account 2
Credit Card
Account 2
, you must press the SHIFT
SHIFT key once, then press the keys in their
respective columns.
Clearing Independent Mem
Clearing Independent MemClearing Independent Mem
Clearing Independent Memories
It is recommended that you clear all your checkbook memories first, before
entering any of your balances. All memories must be cleared individually.
To Clear the Memory of
To Clear the Memory of To Clear the Memory of
To Clear the Memory of
Checking Account 1
Checking Account 1Checking Account 1
Checking Account 1
Locate the vertical column of round grey keys on the
Locate the vertical column of round grey keys on the Locate the vertical column of round grey keys on the
Locate the vertical column of round grey keys on the left side of
left side of left side of
left side of
this bank of keys.
this bank of keys. this bank of keys.
this bank of keys.
At the top of this vertical column you will see “CHECKING ACCT. 1,
Press the BALANCE key at the bottom of this column.
Press the BALANCE key at the bottom of this column.Press the BALANCE key at the bottom of this column.
Press the BALANCE key at the bottom of this column.
Then press the CHECK key directly above the BALANCE key.
Then press the CHECK key directly above the BALANCE key.Then press the CHECK key directly above the BALANCE key.
Then press the CHECK key directly above the BALANCE key.
will display.
The memory of
Checking Account 1
is cleared.