Franklin GWH-2055 eBook Reader User Manual

?* key 7
flashing 7
slanted 5
Asterisk (for finding words) 10
Auto-resume feature 4
Automatic shutoff 5
Book cards
installing 3
protecting 13
removing 3
resetting 13
troubleshooting tips 13
Breastfeeding information
ation 8
Capital letters, typing 9
books 4
screen contrast 5
shutoff time 5
type size 5
Color keys 2
functions of 2
using 4
Contrast, changing 5
Correcting misspellings
drug names 8
search words 10
Cross-references (XREF) 11
Cursor, moving 9
Demonstration 5
Direction keys 2
Do Not Take If information 8
Drug profiles 7
finding 7
using the Index 12
using word searches 9
reading 8
shortcut to viewing 8
spelling correction 8
using Quick keys 8
Erasing typed letters 9
FCC notice 15
Do Not Take If information 8
dosage 8
drug profiles
using the Index 12
using word searches 9
general information about a drug 8
Outline Location of text 7
overdosage 8
parts of words 10
pregnancy information 8
prescription information 8
side effects 8
special warnings 8
Health topics 6
Help messages 5
cross-references 11
menu items 5