Freedom9 80 Switch User Manual

freeView Power 80 User Manual
Environmental Humidity Overrun: The environment sensor is reporting a humidity level
above the maximum allowable humidity level (requires freeView Power M2 module).
Environmental Humidity Underrun: The environment sensor is reporting a humidity level
below the minimum allowable humidity level (requires freeView Power M2 module).
Events Action: Set whether the action should be performed when the trigger is activated
(Occur) or deactivated (Remove).
RPM: Select the unit in the stack on which to take action.
Outlet: Select the outlet in the unit on which to take action.
Outlet Action: Set whether the outlet should be turned on or off, and if the action should be
delayed for a number of seconds.
4.2.12 RPM Schedule
The RPM Schedule page (Figure 30) lists the schedules currently defined on the freeView
Power 80 and allows you to create new ones or modify and delete existing ones.
Figure 30 – RPM Schedule Page
The table on the page displays existing schedules. A schedule can be set to turn an outlet on or
off at a specific time. The “Edit” button allows you to edit an existing action, and the “Delete”
button allows you to delete an existing action. Clicking “New” will open the New RPM Schedule
window (Figure 31) which allows you to create a new schedule.
Figure 31 – New RPM Schedule Window