C120-E361-04EN 1-1
CHAPTER 1 RCI Build Procedure
This chapter explains the following items regarding the initial build procedure of the
Remote Cabinet Interface (RCI) in the installation work.
- RCI Overview
- RCI command
- RCI Setup
1.1 RCI Overview
RCI is an interface to connect RCI Host (general name for main units supporting RCI
and for RCI I/O units).
In this manual, a base cabinet and an I/O unit that support the RCI are referred to as an
RCI Host and an RCI I/O unit, respectively. Furthermore, RCI Hosts and RCI I/O
units are generally referred to as RCI device.
To connect RCI I/O units or to use the RCI asynchronous monitoring functions for an
FJ cluster, a setup using the RCI setup commands is required in addition to the
connection with RCI cables.
1.1.1 Overview of RCI connection
There are two types of main unit: midrange servers equipped with one RCI and high-
end servers equipped with two RCIs.
I/O units include units equipped with one RCI and units equipped with two RCIs.
The following figures show different RCI connection patterns:
Figure 1.1 Basic configuration
RCI I/O unit
RCI I/O unit
RCI Hosts