SA Select alternate font. Make the alternate font active.
SB Scalable or bitmap fonts. Enable or disable scalable fonts to be changed to
bitmap fonts.
SD Define characteristics of the standard font.
SI Specify the character width and height in absolute size (cm).
SL Specify the slant of characters by tan θ.
SR Specify the character width and height relative to the distance between the
scaling points P1 and P2.
SS Select standard font. Make the standard font active.
TD Transparent data. Plot characters assigned to control codes, for example, “←”
to the escape code (decimal 27) in the PC-8 character set. HP LaserJet 5 PJL mode
This section lists all the Printer Job Language (PJL) commands, which arrange printing jobs in a shared printer
system and read printer status messages back to the user. Except UEL, PJL commands start with @PJL followed by
a command name, option data, and an LF character.
Kernel Commands Description
UEL Universal Exit Language. Unlike other PJL commands, the command is an
escape sequence: ESC % -– 1 2 3 4 5 X. All printing jobs controlled by PJL
start with UEL and end with UEL. The UEL command has a function to exit the
current printer language and return control to PJL.
ENTER Specify the current printer language.
COMMENT Insert notes among the PJL command lines.
Job Separation Commands Description
JOB Make the printer recognize start of jobs and reset the page count.
It enables specifying the pages to be printed in jobs, naming jobs, and separating
Option: NAME, JOB, EOJ
EOJ Make the printer recognize stop of jobs and reset the page count.
Option: NAME
Environment Commands Description
DEFAULT Set or change default values in the user default environment.
SET Enable changing to the specified value until a job is finished in the PJL current
INITIALIZE Change the user default environment or the PJL current environment to the
factory default values.
RESET Change the PJL current environment to the user default values.