(Continued from the following page)
Item Specification
Printing Method Thermal inkjet printing
Printed Characters Alphabet Letters : A to Z, a to z
Numeric Characters : 0, 1 to 9
Symbols : ! " $ # % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ¥ ]
^ _ ‘ { | } ¯
Maximum printable
characters per line
Maximum 40 column
Character Size Height 2.91 mm to width 2.82 mm
Character Pitch Approximately 3.53mm
Document quality
Documents allowed for fi-4860C
For the details ofr the document quality requirements, refer to
"fi-4860C Operator's Guide," "Chapter 6 ADF DOCUMENT
Document paper having glossy surface such as
thermal paper, thermal transfer paper, coated
paper, and art paper take longer time for the ink to
dry and may cause poor print quality.
The cleaning cycle is also shortened.