Fujitsu M9000 Server User Manual

Capacity on Demand (COD) Administration 15
To Display Usage Statistics for COD Resources
1. Log in to the XSCF console with platadm or platop privileges, or domainadm,
domainop, or domainmgr privileges for a specific domain.
2. Execute the showcodusage command.
The output displays a summary of COD permit usage by resource type and for
each domain. For example:
To display usage statistics only for domains or resources, use the
showcodusage -p domain command or the showcodusage -p resource
command. All COD usage information can be displayed with the
showcodusage -p all command.
You can also use the showboards command to identify which board is a COD
board. The output from this command has a column titled “COD”. This column
contains an “n” for a non-COD board or a “y” for a COD board. For example, on
a high-end server you might see:
XSCF> showcodusage
Resource In Use Installed COD Permitted Status
-------- ------ --------- ------------- ------
PROC 0 4 0 OK: 0 available
Domain/Resource In Use Installed Reserved
--------------- ------ --------- --------
0 - PROC 0 4 0
1 - PROC 0 0 0
2 - PROC 0 0 0
3 - PROC 0 0 0
Unused - PROC 0 0 0
XSCF> showboards -v -a
XSB R DID(LSB) Assignment Pwr Conn Conf Test Fault COD
---- - -------- ----------- ---- ---- ---- ------- -------- ----
00-0 00(00) Assigned y y y Passed Normal n
01-0 SP Unavailable y n n Unknown Normal y
01-1 SP Unavailable y n n Unknown Normal y
01-2 SP Unavailable y n n Unknown Normal y
01-3 SP Unavailable y n n Unknown Normal y