C156-E142-02EN 4 - 25
Table 4.20 Device parameter information (3/5)
Word Value Bits Description
69-70 0000h Reserved
71 07D0h (2000) Required time after the PACKET command is received until the bus
is released ("s) (Typical)
72 03E8h
Required time after the SERVICE command is received until BSY
is cleared ("s) (Typical)
73-79 0000h Reserved
80 0010h Major Version number (ATA/ATAPI-4)
81 0000h Minor Version number (unused)
82 4278h Command set supported
(A value of less than 1 indicates that the command is supported.)
15 IDENTIFY DEVICE DMA command (B'0')
14 NOP command (B'1')
13 READ BUFFER command (B'0')
12 WRITE BUFFER command (B'0')
11 WRITE VERIFY command (B'0')
10 Host protect area function (B'0')
9 DEVICE RESET command (B'1')
8 SERVICE command interrupt (B'0')
7 Interrupt at release (B'0')
6 Read ahead cache (B'1')
5 Write cache (B'1')
4 Packet command function (B'1')
3 Power management function (B'1')
2 Removable media function (B'0')
1 Security mode (B'0')
0 SMART function (B'0')
83 4000h Command set supported
(A value of less than 1 indicates that the command is supported.)
15 Always B'0'.
14 Always B'1'.
13-1 Reserved
1 DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command supported (B'0')