Fujitsu T1000 Server User Manual

5-24 SPARC Enterprise T1000 Server Service Manual April 2007
9. Obtain the ALOM CMT sc> prompt.
10. Run the showfaults command.
If the fault was detected by the host and the fault information persists, the output
will be similar to the following example:
If the showfaults command does not report a fault with a UUID, then you do not
need to proceed with the following steps because the fault is cleared.
11. Run the clearfault command.
12. Switch to the system console.
13. Issue the fmadm repair command with the UUID.
Use the same UUID that you used with the clearfault command.
sc> showfaults -v
ID Time FRU Fault
0 SEP 09 11:09:26 MB/CMP0/CH0/R0/D0 Host detected fault
SUN4V-8000-DX UUID: f92e9fbe-735e-c218-cf87-9e1720a28004
sc> clearfault f92e9fbe-735e-c218-cf87-9e1720a28004
sc> console
# fmadm repair f92e9fbe-735e-c218-cf87-9e1720a28004