Chapter 1: Setting Up Your Powerline Adapter
6 Type a name for your workgroup in the Workgroup box.
Use a workgroup name of up to 15 characters with no
blank spaces. The workgroup name must be the same
for all computers in your network workgroup, and the
name must be different than any computer name on
your network.
7 Click OK to close the Identification Changes dialog box.
8 Click OK to close the System Identification dialog box.
9 After you name each computer and assign it to your
workgroup, go to “Step 3: Configuring the TCP/IP
protocol” on page 20.
Naming the computers and the workgroup in
Windows 98SE or Windows Me
To identify a Windows 98SE or Windows Me
computer on the network:
Click Start, Settings, then click Control Panel. The
Control Panel window opens.
2 If you are using Windows Me, click view all Control Panel
3 Double-click the Network icon. The Network dialog box