Gigabyte GA-K8VT800M Personal Computer User Manual

BIOS Setup
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C Soft-off by PWRBTTN
8Instant-off Press power button then Power off instantly. (Default value)
8Delay 4 Sec. Press power button 4 sec to Power off. Enter suspend if button is pressed less
than 4 sec.
C AC Back Function
8Memory System power on depends on the status before AC lost.
8Soft-Off Always in Off state when AC back. (Default value)
8Full-On Always power on the system when AC back.
C Keyboard Power On
8Password Enter from 1 to 5 characters to set the Keyboard Power On Password.
8Disabled Disabled this function. (Default value)
8Keyboard 98 If your keyboard have "POWER Key" button, you can press the key to
power on your system.
CMouse Power On
8Disabled Disabled this function. (Default value)
8Double Click Set mouse power on by double click mouse bottom.
C PME Event Wake Up
8Disabled Disable this function.
8Enabled Enable PME Event Wake up. (Default Value)
C ModemRingResume
8Disabled Disable Modem Ring On / Wake On LAN function.
8Enabled The modem ring / LAN wake up will bring the system out of soft-off or
suspend state if this option is set "Enabled". (Default Value)