5.5 Occasionally Used Hoists
5.5.1 Hoists that are used infrequently shall be inspected as follows prior to placing in service:
Hoist Idle More Than 1 Month, Less Than 1 Year
: Inspect per FREQUENT Inspection criteria in
Section 5.3.
Hoist Idle More Than 1 Year
5.6 Inspection Records
: Inspect per PERIODIC Inspection criteria in Section 5.4.
5.6.1 Dated inspection reports and records should be maintained at time intervals corresponding to those
that apply for the hoist’s PERIODIC interval per Section 5.2.4. These records should be stored where
they are available to personnel involved with the inspection, maintenance, or operation of the hoist.
5.6.2 A long range chain inspection program should be established and should include records of
examination of chains removed from service so a relationship can be established between visual
observation and actual condition of the chain.
5.7 Inspection Methods and Criteria
5.7.1 This section covers the inspection of specific items. The list of items in this section is based on those
listed in ANSI/ASME B30.16 for the Frequent and Periodic Inspection.
5.7.2 Frequent Inspection - Not intended to involve disassembly of the hoist. Disassembly for further
inspection would be required only if frequent inspection results so indicate. Disassembly and further
inspection should only be performed by a qualified person trained in the disassembly and re-assembly
of the hoist.
5.7.3 Periodic Inspection - Disassembly of the hoist is required. Disassambly should only be performed by a
qualified person trained in the disassembly and re-assembly of the hoist.
Table 5-3 Hoist Inspection Methods and Criteria
Item Method Discard Limit/Criteria Action
Functional operating
Visual, Auditory Mechanisms should be properly adjusted and
should not produce unusual sounds when operated.
Components should not be deformed, scarred, or
show significant wear. Refer to Figures 5-2, 5-3 and
Repair or replace
as required.
Hooks – Stretch Measure The "k" dimension should not be greater than 1.05
times that measured and recorded at the time of
purchase (See Section 3.4). If recorded "k" values
are not available for hooks when new, use nominal
"k" values from Table 5-4.
Hooks – Fretting
Measure The "u" and "t" dimensions should not be less than
discard value listed in Table 5-4.
Hooks – Surface
Visual Should be free of gouges, deep nicks, dents, weld
splatter, and significant corrosion.
Hooks –
Visual Should be free of twists and deformations. See
Figure 5-1.
Hooks – Bent Shank
or Neck
Visual Shank and neck portions of hook should be free of
Hooks – Swivel Visual, Function Bearing parts and surfaces should not show
significant wear, and should be free of dirt, grime,
and deformations. Hook should rotate freely with no
roughness. See Figure 5-1.
Clean/lubricate, or
replace as required.