NM> RS,08–00–09–00–02–00<RETURN>
Read Statistics counters of node 08–00–09–00–02–00.... [ok]
1. Num of good bytes xmited 77200
2. Num of good bytes rcved 400
3. Num of good pkts xmited 386
4. Num of good pkts rcved 2
5. Num of errors on xmit 0
6. Num of errors on rcv 0
7. Num of babble errors 0
8. Num of heartbeat errors (xmit) 0
9. Num of missed pkts––no rcv buf 0
10. Num of memory errors 0
11. Num of framing errors 0
12. Num of pkts driver discarded 0
13. Num of CRC errors on rcv 0
14. 802.3 Length field errors 0
15. Num of retry > 1 on xmit 0
16. Num of retry = 1 on xmit 0
17. Num of chip deferred on xmit 0
18. Num of underflow error on xmit 0
19. Num of late collisions 0
20. Num of loss of carrier 0
21. Num of xmit retry cnt exceeded 0
22. TDR info from last TDR 0
23. Orphan messages received by NM 0