48 HP StorageWorks 1000ux/1900ux/2300ux Optical Jukebox User’s Guide
Used by service personnel only.
Reports THUMB A, THUMB B, or NO THUMB. Looks at the
top and bottom thumb sensors and reports whether the
thumbs on the disk transport mechanism are in the forward
or back position. If THUMB A or THUMB B is returned, the
specified thumb is the forward position. If NO THUMB is
returned, both thumbs are in the back position.
Used by service personnel only.
Reports ON or OFF. Looks at the top thumb sensor which
reports whether or not the thumb that is currently on the top
side of the disk transport mechanism is in the forward
position. If ON is reported the thumb is in the back position;
if OFF is reported the thumb is in the forward position.
Reports ON or OFF after looking at the translate calibration
sensor. Display automatically updates if the status changes.
MEDIA TYPE This is available only in a mixed-media (MO and UDO) unit.
Moves all of the disks in the jukebox, except those in drives,
to the media test station, then back to their original positions
to determine the drive compatibility of all of the disks.
Table 7: Internal tests (Continued)
Test Name Description