10 HP ProLiant DL145 Lights-Out 100i Remote Management User Guide
DHCP IP addresses can be viewed using the CLI. Establish a connection to the
CLI using an external device such as a laptop or another computer that is
connected to the serial port with a null modem cable.
1. After the connection is established, switch from the default BIOS Serial
Console connection to the CLI by first pressing and releasing the Esc key,
and then simultaneously pressing the Shift + ( keys.
2. The remote management processor login prompt appears. The default user
name is admin and the password is admin.
3. From the CLI, type Net and press the Enter Key to enter the Network
configuration menu.
4. To view the DHCP IP address, type Stat and press the Enter key. The
following information is displayed:
face...ipsrc.....IP addr........subnet.......gateway
1-et1 dhcp
5. Note the DHCP IP address for future reference.
To configure network access for static IP address from the CLI:
1. Static IP addresses can only be set using the CLI. Establish a connection to
the CLI using an external device such as a laptop or another computer that is
connected to the serial port with a null modem cable.
2. After the connection is established, switch from the default BIOS Serial
Console connection to the CLI by first pressing and releasing the Esc key,
and then simultaneously pressing the Shift + ( keys.
3. The remote management processor login prompt appears. The default user
name is admin and the password is admin.
4. After logging in, press and release the Esc key and press the Shift + ( keys
simultaneously to switch from BIOS serial console to the CLI.
5. From the CLI, type Net and press the Enter Key to enter the Network
configuration menu.
6. Enter DHCP disable and press the Enter key. DHCP is now disabled.
7. Verify DHCP is disabled by using the stat command. If DHCP is disabled
the default IP address is displayed.