HP (Hewlett-Packard) 544530-001 Computer Accessories User Manual

In the Neoview Script interface, you must enter the command on one line. The command
does not require an SQL terminator.
You can execute this command only in SQL mode.
If the PRUN command is executed without any arguments, Neoview Script prompts for the
PRUN arguments. If one or more options are specified, the PRUN command runs without
prompting for more input. In the non-interactive mode, if any options are not specified then
the default value of is used.
The -d option or -defaults cannot be specified with any other option.
To use PRUN, enter the PRUN command in the Neoview Script interface:
Enter * as input to stop the current prun session
Enter the scripts directory : c:\ddl_scripts
Enter the script file extension[sql] :
Enter the logs directory[scripts dir] : c:\log
Overwrite the log files (y/n)[n]? : y
Enter the number of connections(2-248)[2]: 3
After you enter the number of connections, PRUN starts to process the script files and
displays this status:
Status: In Progress.......
After executing all the script files, PRUN returns a summary of the operation:
Total files present ........................3
Total files processed ......................3
Total sqls processed ......................40
Total errors ...............................4
Total warnings .............................0
Total successes ...........................36
Total connections ..........................5
Total connection failures...................0
Please verify the error log file c:\log\error\prun.err.log
This PRUN command initiates a parallel run operation with the -d option:
SQL>prun -d
SQL> prun -scriptsdir ./prun/sql e sql ld ./prun/logs o y connections 5
PRUN options are -scriptsdir c:/_nvs/prun
-logsdir c:/_nvs/prun/logs
-extension sql
-overwrite y
-connections 5
Status: Complete
Total files present ......................99
Total files processed ....................99
Total sqls processed ....................198
Total errors ..............................0
Total warnings ............................0
Total warnings ............................0
96 Neoview Script Interface Commands