HP (Hewlett-Packard) B132L Computer Monitor User Manual

Changing Your Workstation’s Hardware Configuration
Changing Your Monitor Type
Changing Your Monitor Type
Your system ships from the factory preset to use a monitor with a specific
resolution and frequency. If you replace your monitor with a different type,
you must reconfigure your workstation to support it.
There are two ways to reconfigure your workstation to support a different
monitor type:
Setting the Monitor Type from the Boot Console Interface
To change your workstation’s graphics parameters before you replace your
monitor, go to “Displaying and Setting the Monitor Type” in Appendix D.
Setting the Monitor Type at Power On
If you replace your workstation’s monitor with a different monitor type, and
do not set the workstation’s graphics parameters by using the monitor com-
mand before doing so, you need to perform the following:
Wait 2 seconds after the Num Lock light flashes near the end of the boot
sequence, then press
Tab (only press Tab once) to initiate the automatic
monitor selection process.
The system cycles through the supported monitor types. Until the system
tries a monitor type that is compatible with your monitor, the display is
When you are able to read the information displayed, press the
Enter key to
stop the system from trying other monitor types. The system displays infor-
mation similar to the following:
Path Slot Head Type Size Freq Class
---- ---- ---- ---- --------- ---- -----
GRAPHICS(0) 0 1 12 1280x1024 72Hz
This is type 12 of 15 types.
Press [RETURN] to select this monitor type: