HP (Hewlett-Packard) E1429A Network Router User Manual

Setting the VME bus
Data Source
The source of the readings transferred over the VME bus is set with the
VINStrument[:CONFigure]:VME:FEED <
The <source > parameters are given below. Sources beginning with
"MEMory: " are the post measurement sources (modes), sources beginning
with "CONVerter: " are the real time sources (modes).
" MEMory:CHANnel1": Channel 1 memory is the data source for the
VME bus. One 16-bit reading is returned.
" MEMory:CHANnel2": Channel 2 memory is the data source for the
VME bus. One 16-bit reading is returned.
" MEMory:BOTH": Both channels of memory are the data source for the
VME bus. In this mode, channel 1 will be output the first time the data
register is accessed, channel 2 is output the second time the data register is
accessed. One 16-bit reading is returned with each access.
" MEMory:BOTH32": Both channels of memory are the data source for
the VME bus. In this mode, accessing the data register returns a 32-bit
number where the high order 16 bits are the channel 2 reading and the low
order 16 bits are the channel 1 reading (see Figure 3-11).
" CONVerter:CHANnel1": The channel 1 A/D converter is the data
source for the VME bus. One 16-bit reading is returned.
" CONVerter:CHANnel2": The channel 2 A/D converter is the data
source for the VME bus. One 16-bit reading is returned.
" CONVerter:BOTH": Accessing the data register triggers both A/D
converters at the same time, and one 16-bit reading (channel 1) is returned.
Accessing the data register a second time returns the second 16-bit reading
(channel 2), but does not trigger the A/Ds.
" CONVerter:BOTH32": Accessing the data register triggers both A/D
converters at the same time, and one 32-bit number is returned. The high
order 16 bits are the channel 2 reading, and the low order 16 bits are the
channel 1 reading (Figure 3-11).
If it is necessary to identify readings from channel 1 and channel 2, a data
label can be assigned to the readings as described in the section "Assigning
a Data Label" on page 130.
152 Understanding the HP E1429 Digitizer Chapter 3