AC adapter, spare part
number 24, 30
administrator password 87
advanced Setup Utility
features 86
illustrated 20
removal 59
spare part number 20
applications key, Windows 7
audio, product description 3
audio-in jack
location 10
pin assignments 115
audio-out jack
location 10
pin assignments 115
backpack, spare part
number 24, 26
backup 110
base enclosure, spare part
numbers 17, 28
location 12
removal 40
spare part number 17, 28,
battery bay 12
battery light 8
battery release latch 12
boot options 87
boot order 87
bottom components 12
button components 6
button sound 87
power 6
wireless 6
cables, service considerations 33
camera cable
spare part numbers 31
camera light location 5
camera location 5
camera module
removal 60
spare part number 60
spare part numbers 31
caps lock LED board
removal 64
spare part number 16, 29,
caps lock light 8
card reader board
removal 77
spare part number 16, 29,
carrying case, spare part
number 24, 26
changing the Setup Utility
language 84
chipset, product description 1
closing the Setup Utility 86
CMOS clearing 37
bottom 12
buttons 6
display 5
front 5, 10
key 7
left-side 11
lights 8
right-side 10
TouchPad 9
composite audio and S-Video cable,
spare part number 24, 26
computer feet
locations 39
spare part number 39
computer specifications 88
connector pin assignments
audio-in 115
audio-out 115
external monitor 116
headphone 115
microphone 115
modem 117
monitor 116
network 117
RJ-11 117
RJ-45 117
S-Video-out 118
Universal Serial Bus (USB) 118
connectors, service
considerations 33
Diagnostics menu 87
Digital Media Slot 11
diskette drive
precautions 33
product description 3
display assembly
removal 55
spare part numbers 15, 28,
31, 55
display bezel
illustrated 20
removal 57
spare part numbers 20, 28,
30, 31, 57
Display Cable Kit, spare part
number 20, 28, 59
Index 127